CIN Information

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When the assigned RAIN CIN is used with the RAIN Application Family Identifier (0xAE), then the solution is by definition a closed, ISO-standards based system. (Note: when the assigned RAIN CIN is used with the RAIN Issuing Agency Code (“XRA”) and other ISO standards such as ISO/IEC 17360 or ISO/IEC 20248, then the solution is an open, ISO standards-based system.)

For help requesting a specific CIN please see examples in the current CIN Register

On-behalf of Information

Entity Information

Entity Contact

Payment Information

Class 4: Either:

$250 fee at the time of submission plus $250 annually thereafter, falling due on the anniversary of allocation, OR

$1,000 perpetual fee at the time of submission


Class 3: Either:

$500 fee at the time of submission plus $500 annually thereafter, falling due on the anniversary of allocation, OR

$2,000 perpetual fee at the time of submission

Class 2: Either:

$750 fee at the time of submission plus $750 annually thereafter, falling due on the anniversary of allocation, OR

$3,000 perpetual fee at the time of submission

Class 1: Either:

$1000 fee at the time of submission, and $1000 annually thereafter, falling due on the anniversary of allocation, OR

$4000 perpetual fee at the time of submission

Please make sure the information below matches the billing information on the credit card.

Format - XX
Format - XXXX
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