If executed properly, RFID can prevent disruption to businesses’ operations and our way of life as consumers.


As part of our everyday lives, many of us dine out and shop online. But have you considered the ways that technology is involved in facilitating these activities? Did you factor in the technologies used to mark, track and trace the ingredients in your last meal as they moved from the producer to the distributor’s warehouse and then to the restaurant? Or to notify you that a package was recently left on your doorstep?

The extent to which companies use technology to ensure we get exactly what we want, when and where we want it, is not readily visible. Even when we see technology used right in front of us — such as the mobile device or tablet used by restaurant staff and those delivering packages — it may be hard to appreciate just how dependent we’ve become on it.

RFID’s Rise Amid A New Track-And-Trace Movement

At the turn of the century, digitalization was the key to business optimization, and to a certain extent, it still is. The first step to gaining the level of agility needed to capture a performance edge in the “now economy” is to replace pen-and-paper processes with digitalized workflows and ensure data captured across the entire enterprise is readily accessible. However, it is not enough to simply create digital “systems of record.”


Source: Council Post: With The Right Approach, RFID Can Be ‘Enabling,’ Not ‘Disruptive,’ For Business