The Manufacturing Quality Workgroup will collaboratively produce transparent and openly available manufacturing quality specifications, best practices, and benchmarks to help ensure there is sufficient global capacity for RAIN certification so that we can continue to meet market capacity demands.
The Manufacturing Workgroup has been focused on open discussions to understand the industry’s current pain points and future visions. A survey was prepared and launched to gather this valuable information, ensuring all insights are captured fairly and effectively. Stay tuned for more updates as we continue working to improve the industry together.
Meeting cadence: Every two weeks, Tuesdays 10-11 am (EST)
- Survey to gather insights from both RAIN members and non-members regarding quality concerns in RAIN tag manufacturing, current manufacturing quality certification practices, and the perceived importance of manufacturing quality certificates within your industries and regions. The results of this survey will be used to identify gaps in RAIN tag manufacturing quality standards and procedures for obtaining manufacturing quality certifications, guiding the next steps in defining globally acceptable and open-access RAIN tag manufacturing quality metrics.
Resources for RAIN
Defining Read Point Configuration Terminology for RAIN in. . .
Types: Documents
Categories: Tyres
Date: October 9, 2024
Guideline for unique identification of tyres based on the. . .
Types: Documents, Guideline
Categories: Tyres
Date: April 1, 2021
RAIN for tyres – Let’s get into the heart of the IoT
Types: Documents
Categories: Tyres
Date: February 5, 2020