RAIN Reader and System Test Tags

RAIN Reader and System Test Tags


RAIN Reader and System test tags

SKU: RAINTestTag Category:


The RAIN Alliance Technical Workgroup has put together this set of RAIN tags to allow to check how RAIN readers and systems interpret information encoded on a tag. This test will determine if equipment and systems can correctly interpret the data on the tags and further inform whether readers and systems report enough detail of the tag data to facilitate adoption growth.

There are twelve test tags that cover a wide range of possibilities provided by the RAIN RFID protocol. Six of the tags focus mostly on mandatory features supported by the protocol, and six of the tags support major optional features of the protocol such as untraceability, crypto, and sensors.

These tags allow a reader or system manufacturer to test that they are correctly interpreting the data on the tags. All data on the tags has been encoded correctly, but no guaranties as to the validity of the data are made.

The intent of testing is for a vendor to evaluate their reader product(s) along with their applications that are provided to their customers. This includes Reader Demp apps which are often a starting point for newcomers to RAIN RFID and a basis for how people begin to form their understanding of our technology. It is important to our industry that this learning experience is done with readers that correctly read tags and report the essential information to a host application. It is also important for the host application, i.e. the vendor demo App, to properly report the essential information to the user.

RAIN is offering for purchase to all interested parties this set of 12 differently configured RAIN RFID tags that can be read by the reader or system in order to see whether their system reports tag data as intended.

Feedback on test results may be sent to [email protected] for discussion.

More information can be found in this document.
