MediReva Revalidatie integrates RAIN RFID in rental process and stock management of medical aids – CASE STUDY

MediReva Revalidatie is a specialized company within the MediReva group. The company’s activities are rental, sale and stock management of medical aids. From its head office and warehouse in Maastricht, Netherlands and additional warehouses in Helmond and Gronsveld, Netherlands, MediReva Revalidatie delivers medical services and materials to private persons, hospitals and health care institutions throughout the Netherlands.


At MediReva Revalidatie, thousands of orders are processed every week. The orders contain both consumable goods as well as rental equipment. Rental equipment returns to the warehouse after each rental period, where they are cleaned and/or disinfected, inspected, repaired if necessary and stored. The administrative follow-up, processing, and operation management is done using Microsoft Dynamics NAV ERP application.

MediReva Revalidatie engaged with HID Global’s partner Aucxis to streamline and eliminate as many manual operations as possible by integrating RFID technology during the administrative rental and stock management processes. The goal is to achieve a higher efficiency, as well as a clear and accurate overview of all products’ status.

The project contained two challenges for Aucxis, namely the selection of the most suitable tag for the application and the development of a compact warehouse management system (WMS) that seamlessly connects to Microsoft Dynamics NAV.

The RFID tag must be safe for patient interaction. Moreover, the tag needed to be easy to apply, yet durable to resist heat and waterproof. During the cleaning process, many materials are exposed to high temperatures. Additionally, the link to the WMS system required a transparent communication layer via Microsoft Dynamics Services. This layer communicates the processing, feedback and offline synchronization of the order status of products equipped with an RFID tag.

Click the link below for the solution!

Source: HID Global | Showpad