Data presented at last week’s RFID in Retail and Apparel event suggests that adoption of RFID to manage apparel inventory is accelerating quickly.

Oct 02, 2017

It’s been clear for the past few years that retail apparel will be the first market to adopt radio frequency identification technology on a large scale. Apparel is RF-friendly, and each item comes in a variety of colors and sizes, making it difficult to manage inventory effectively. The big question has been when the sector will reach the tipping point. The answer: when virtually all apparel manufacturers tag all of the items they produce, and all retailers start using the tags to better manage their inventory and enable their omnichannel strategy.

Data presented at last week’s RFID in Retail and Apparel 2017 event suggests that adoption of RFID is accelerating quickly. Dr. Bill Hardgrave, the dean of Auburn University’s Harbert School of Business, presented a slide indicating that of the top retailers doing something with RFID, 50 percent are now at some stage of deployment, approximately a third are in the proof-of-concept stage, and 15 percent are piloting. There was a nine percent decrease in the number piloting the technology and a 71 percent increase in the number that have deployed RFID in some way, indicating the industry is moving from the pilot phase to the adoption phase.

Source: Is Retail Approaching the Tipping Point for RFID? – IOT Journal